5 year program
1600 hours
6 modules
in accordance with 4 levels of learning
Personal psychotherapy (1 year)
Introduction to the profession. General model of psychotherapy (1 year)
Theory and Methodology of Gestalt Psychotherapy (1 year). Practice of Gestalt Psychotherapy (1 year)
Clinical aspects in gestalt psychotherapy (5 months). Gestalt psychotherapy profiles (5 months)
Personal psychotherapy (1 year)
Introduction to the profession. General model of psychotherapy (1 year)
Theory and Methodology of Gestalt Psychotherapy (1 year). Practice of Gestalt Psychotherapy (1 year)
Clinical aspects in gestalt psychotherapy (5 months). Gestalt psychotherapy profiles (5 months)
in group
Personal gestalt psychotherapy
150 hin group
100 hindividually
Theory and methodology in gestalt psychotherapy
600 hin group
100 hin group
50 hindividually
Clinical internship
400 hindividually
Participation in professional conferences, congresses and intensive programs
150 hindividually
Seminars with similar direction to gestalt psychotherapy
50 hin group
Tatjana Velenta-Grinina
doctor of psychology (PhD), professional psychotherapist, Gestalt psychotherapist, supervisor, head of the Baltic Institute for Psychotherapy.
Training in the program for Gestalt psychotherapy presumes the sequential passage of six modules: one is preparatory and the other five didactic. After successfully passing each of the modules a certificate is granted.
Together, these certificates are the proof of successfully ending the psychotherapeutic training and are reinforced by the main certificate of the Baltic Institute for Psychotherapy, granting the right to apply and gain accreditation by the professional associations in order for confirming the status of Gestalt psychotherapist (LGTA, EAGT, EAP) and psychotherapy specialist (LPB).
Read success stories
1. Copy of passport / identity card
2. A copy of the diploma of higher education (social and humanitarian, not lower than bachelor)
3. Copies of certificates of vocational training / retraining (if such certificates exist)
Payment is carried out twice per year, at each semester
The cost of one semester of the preparatory module in Gestalt psychotherapy — 1000 euro
The cost of one semester in the basic program in Gestalt psychotherapy — 1250 euro
2 year program
320 hours
2 educational modules
of integrative approach
practical aspect
of integrative approach
of integrative approach
practical aspect
of integrative approach
Theory and methodology of leading psychotherapy modalities
120 h
Group reflection: methodology of integration
25 h
Workshops in various psychotherapy modalities
60 h
Workshops for the integration of psychotherapy methods and techniques
80 h
Group supervision
35 h
Practical scientific work
Evgenija Karlin
doctor of psychotherapy science (research doctorate at the SFU), master of psychology.
At the end of the program, a certificate of specialization is issued “Integrative approach in psychotherapy”.
The given certificate is an addition to the main diploma and is a way of confirming professional development of the specialist.
Read success stories
1. Copy of passport / identity card
2. A copy of the diploma of higher education (social and humanitarian, not lower than bachelor)
3. Copies of certificates of vocational training / retraining (if such certificates exist)
4. Experience in personal psychotherapy (individual and / or group in any of the directions)
5. Motivational letter
Payment is carried out twice per year, at each semester
The cost of one semester in the specialization “Integrated approach in psychotherapy” — 1600 euro
2 year program
270 hours
2 modules
to couples psychotherapy
specialized topics of couples psychotherapy
psychotherapy of family crises
to couples psychotherapy
specialized topics of couples psychotherapy
psychotherapy of family crises
in group
Theory and methodology of couples psychotherapy
120 hin group
Practical workshops to improve technical skills
25 hin group
40 hindividually
10 hin group
Practical works
Tatjana Velenta-Grinina
doctor of psychology (PhD), professional psychotherapist, Gestalt psychotherapist, supervisor, head of the Baltic Institute for Psychotherapy.
At the end of the program, a certificate is granted for the completion of “Couples Psychotherapy: integrative approach”.
The given certificate is an addition to the main diploma and is a form of confirming the professional development of the specialist.
Read success stories
1. Copy of passport / identity card
2. A copy of the diploma of higher education (social and humanitarian, not lower than bachelor)
3. Copies of certificates of vocational training / retraining (if such certificates exist)
4. Experience in personal psychotherapy (individual and / or group in any of the directions)
5. Motivational letter
Payment is carried out twice per year, at each semester
The cost of one semester in the specialization “Couples psychotherapy: integrative approach” — 1450 euro
2 year program
320 hours
2 modules
basic course
master’s course
basic course
master’s course
in group
Theory and methodology of children and adolescent psychotherapy
125 hin group
60 hin group
10 hindividually
Personal psychotherapy: working out own childhood experiences
10 hindividually
Workshops improving technical skills
115 hin group
Practical works
Anastasia Schapel
master of psychology, child psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist
Studying in this program will make it possible to get a holistic view on organization of working with children and adolescents in families. It shall make it possible to learn more than 20 methods in working with children and adolescents. Make it possible to develop diagnostic skills and assimilate the knowledge in working with projective techniques. Научится анализу детских работ и самосупервизии. To see a family as a system, a role of a child within the family system and the family role within the manifestations of the child. To learn to offer consultations for the parents and to build joint meetings. To independently create own techniques in working with children and adolescents.
At the end of the program, a certificate is granted for the completion of “Child and adolescent psychotherapy: integrative approach”. The given certificate is an addition to the main diploma and is a form of confirming the professional development of the specialist.
Read success stories
1. Copy of passport / identity card
2. A copy of the diploma of higher education (social and humanitarian, not lower than bachelor)
3. Copies of certificates of vocational training / retraining (if such certificates exist)
4. Experience in personal psychotherapy (individual and / or group in any of the directions)
5. Motivational letter
Payment is carried out twice per year, at each semester
The cost of one semester in the specialization “Children and adolescent psychotherapy: integrative approach” — 1450 euro