2021-12-18 00:00 en

From 8th to 10th October, a seminar in integrative approach in psychotherapy

Maybe. It is not only psychotherapy in its purest setting that can be psychotherapeutic. There are many occurrences, which can be psychotherapeutic in our lives, like a quality conversation with people or education in a multi-personal environment (which is one of the most powerful). 

Don’t teach until you’ve loved. Subject or skill which you teach; or whom you teach. It’s good if you learn from it as well. 

We resist information, which reflects what we don’t like. We likewise accept knowledge from the one we trust, with whom we feel comfortable, in who’s surrounding we enjoy being. 

Program trainer Evgenija Karlin - psychotherapy science doncor, psychologist, a published writer who is in love with what they do… and with life in general.
Students consider her an engaging lecturer, a teacher who inspires and invokes a creative, engaging atmosphere. 

“One of the most important things that a parent can do for their child is to make them fall in love with life” - Evgenija.

“As an analogy, I believe, the best a teacher can do is to make a student fall in love with what they teach”. The October group had much love, thanks to which, it seemed like the definitions of “General model of psychotherapy”, “integrative approach”, “psychotherapeutic research”, “interpersonal aspects”, “contract”, etc., had become colourful phenomena that feel alive. With meticulousness, curiosity, critical view, engagement and fair play and not simply listening to a lecture, one can submerge themselves in the elements and processes which could be applied to all aspects of life, not just the professional. Basically - structure, creativeness, diversity, as well as wholeness, examples from psychotherapeutic practice and live connection and contact.

This is one of the base programs for integrative approach in the Baltic Institutes for psychotherapy and is a part of the program for Gestalt psychotherapy. Some of the techniques in advancing knowledge are gained during the PhD program in SFU (Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Austria), from leading researchers of the general model of psychotherapy, as well as the method’s founder, professor David Orlinsky (University of Chicago, USA), as well as persistent and successful experience in multi-module (integrative) approach.